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Machakos Can Play!

Before the measures taken to combat the Covid-19 pandemic were implemented, we were fortunate to have been able to install a playground at Machakos Women’s Prison on March 7. While we were anticipating hosting an official launch, due to the outbreak we were forced to postpone the event. However, the project has been handed over to the prison administration and the children have access to the playground during this time.

Machakos women’s prison is home to 12 children, both from families of workers and prisoners. The mixture of children plays a huge role in their mental wellbeing, as they get a semblance of community despite their circumstances.

We caught up with Madam Mwangombe the warden at Machakos to get an update on the children and their mental health during this time.

“The children look forward to going to the playground each morning. It helps them forget that they are supposed to be in school but are instead stuck home”

Regarding newfound challenges during the time of COVID-19 she stated that the main challenge they have with the playground is ensuring the children wash their hands regularly and keep a safe distance from each other. “An adult is with them every time they are at the playground monitoring their play closely.”

We thank Madam Mwangombe, and will continue to keep you updated on our projects.

To learn more about NECF’s Playgrounds in Prisons Project please connect with us on Instagram or Facebook and visit

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